Friday 26 January 2007

First Assignment Uploaded!

Can't believe I have actually just uploaded the first assignment. Seems like it's ben living in my house or soooooo loong! I decided to stick with the 'Blog' format, as I had already set it up partially a few weeks ago before I had become more 'proficient' at HTML coding. In using I was able to actually add pages - something not available on '' and I am quite happy with the layout of my Resource Project. Just hope Cynthia is happy with the content. She remarked recently that most of the marks for the assignment would come from the content more than the decor of the presentation.

Upon reflection, putting the resource site together has been a terrific learning curve for me, in that I now have a bank of excellent resources to call on in my future internet studies.

I am having a problem with my key board today - must be wearing it out!

Anyhow, here is a mug shot of my latest effort and for anyone interested, the URL is as follows:

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