Monday, 18 December 2006


Well it took me 3 goes at it to reach a score of 85.5%. Two questions wrong were 11. A person wo belongs to an email list of other internet discussion communities, but who does not actively participate is known as a .............. I thought it was something like 'lurk' - Im sure I read that somewhere, but I will search that one out again. Seems like such a simple question but I do not want to spend too much time on it at this stage as Module three awaits.

Second question I got wrong, and one I am still at odds with is 18. If I don't have an account on an FTP server, I would need to logon as anonymous user. To do this I would use........ for user name and my ....... as the password. When I did the task on FTP where we had to FTP to I clicked on anonymous and an automatic password was put in for me in the form of ************ -how am I to know what it was??? Still confused about this one but will try to get back to it later, must press on.

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