Wednesday, 27 December 2006

MODULE 3 - HTML TUTORIAL - Modifying an HTML Document


After this lesson, I am now able to:

* Re-open the workspace for my web page.
* Make changes in my HTML document using the text editor.
* Reload the document in my web browser to see my changes.

Review topics for this lesson:

1. How did I re-open your workspace?

# Created a new web browser window by selecting New Window from the File menu.
# Used the Open File... command from the File menu to find and open the HTML file I created in the previous lesson.
# Re-opened my text editor program.
# In the text editor, opened the file ("volc.html") created in the previous lesson.

2. What steps did I use to make changes in my HTML document?
Alongside the text paragraph, I hit the 'return' key a few times and then added some more text. I was careful to keep my text within the (body text body) tags. (Had to leave out the actual 'tags' here as 'blog' does not accept them)

3. How did I display and view these changes in my web browser?

I reloaded the file ("volc.html") which displayed the changes made. it was interesting that the browser took no notice of the extra line spaces I put in the original document.

Independent Practice

As instructed I opened and modified own HTML document that you started in the last lesson. by adding a few more sentences. I successfully reloaded the modified document into my web browser. YAY!!!!!!

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