Wednesday, 27 December 2006

MODULE 3 - HTML TUTORIAL - Linking it with anchors

Phew, I'm glad this one's almost over! All the re arranging of my files and folders was more than a bit stressful. Learnt a lot though as I did not know before this tutorial of the importance of placement of files and images, to get them to come up on the web page. I have them all in the correct places now, and just when I thought I was getting somewhere, I up loaded my own 'test' page to the WebCt 'presentations' page and all but my images are showing. I have spent hours and hours trying to sort this out, by moving things around, re naming etc etc, and now I have resorted to asking for help on teh WebCt discussion forum. In the meantime, I am lurking between this tutorial and the rest of mod 3 and mod 4 simultaniously. Hopefully it will all fall in to place by 26th.

Independent Practice

Find some sites on the Internet that intrigue you. For each one, record its name and its URL displayed near the top of your browser window. See if you can copy and paste the URLs into a text document. You will use this list later to add links from your own web pages to these sites that you found.

HTML Tutorial

W3c home page

Newbie Web Author Check List

Free Photos


Moving onwards now to see how I will use these...........

More Independant Practice

Create a second HTML document that uses the HTML formatting that you are familiar with at this point. Return to the first one you created and make an anchor that links to this new one.


I found that the second file which I named jac.html did not open when I clicked on the link on the home page. I renamed the file jac and after I put the full jac.html in the a href=" "/a attribute it worked.? I don't understand why at this point but I guess all will be revealed later.

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